KIRS Infra Red Bedside Monitor
- Passive Infra Red Monitor
- Nurse Call Lead (please specify system)
- 9V DC Plug top power supply
- Call Point Jack Splitter
- Swivel Bracket
The KIRS Infra Red Monitor uses infra red detection technology to help carers reduce the risk of falls. This Monitor can be mounted on a door or by the bedside to trigger an alert when a person breaks the infra red beam. When Floor Sensor Mats are deemed undesirable this Monitor is a great alternative. It is very simple to use and comes complete with a Nurse Call Lead and plug top Power Supply as well as a swivel bracket for easy mounting and adjustable positioning.
During the night it can be used to monitor a resident getting out of bed and during the day it can be easily re-positioned to monitor the resident getting up off the chair.
When placed across a doorway, this Monitor has also been used to monitor someone entering or exiting a room.
The package comes complete with everything you might need to connect to your Nursecall Call Point, including a Jack Splitter so that you can connect your existing Pear Push Lead and the Monitor at the same time.